Information in English
Gain experiences of a lifetime by visiting an area, which has characterized Ordsherred and Nykøbing Sj. for 100 years, AN AREA WITH 2500 INHABITANTS IN THE 1940’S ALL THE WHILE NYKØBING SJ. WAS A TOWN WITH JUST 3000.
Discover the place and hear the story of how Nykøbing Sj. got its landmark VANDTÅRNET (the Water Tower).
See the place where the artist Laurits Hartz was hospitalized and became a part of the fourth artists’ colony of Denmark – The Odsherred Painters.
Follow in Jussi Adler Olsen’s footsteps and discover environments, which very well may have inspired him when he was still a child and his father was a doctor at the hospital.
It is also the place where jazz-musician Leo Mathiesen was hospitalized.
Thrill and experiences awaits when visiting the museum. It is the story of a place that meant development for the area of Odsherred, but also a place which symbolizes the change of view on humanity in the 19th century, a development which is still influencing the hospital today.
Observe the beautiful architecture, a hospital constructed with Bedre Byggeskik (Better building Practices) which today stands as the most important monument of this style in Denmark.
Furthermore it is the place where the biggest garden in the Northern Europe, built with the principles of English garden cities, originated and existed for as long as till the 1990s. Today only the residues remains, but the place still exudes history and greatness.
Come along on the guided tour of the hospital area. The tour is in the hospital area and you will pass among other things the chapel, fire station, and church. By the chapel you will also discover the graveyard and in the chapel hear the story of why some of the deceased patients were BURIED WITHOUT THEIR BRAINS.
A museum which is unique locally as well as nationally, so you should not miss the several experiences you will have with a visit to Nykøbing Sj. Psychiatric Museum.